Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Focus and Fitness?


       It is pitch black as the alarm goes off. We barely enough time to shower, eat, and get the kids ready for school. We hurry into to work just to have every single second of that 10 hour day consumed with work related stress. Then....Over an hour of bumper to bumper traffic on the way home. We walk in the door with only to have a huge laundry list of chores waiting for us before dinner. Eating Dinner is perhaps the only time all day that we actually got to sit down in silence (maybe), relax and eat... After all of this....After this long @$$ day... and now that your finally comfortable....  You must change your clothes, leave the warm comfort of home just to go and get beat-up by some meathead trainer, who is only going to make us more uncomfortable. This is the reality we deal with.
      Weight Loss is SIMPLE. Everything else in your life is HARD, There's only so much energy and FOCUS one human can muster. 
      Usually when it comes to our Priorities, Weight loss, Health and Fitness fall to the bottom of the list. Its not that we feel it is not important. It is just that when it comes time to EXECUTE, there's a little or no energy/focus left. 
      Sadly, This is where we FAIL
     Try this.... Make a list of the top 10 things that cause you stress.... or lose your focus. Slowly start eliminating these negatives from your life. As your focus on your health and fitness increases, so will your happiness.

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